Good afternoon the regular council meeting will be held Tuesday September the 3rd at 5:30 P.M. Due to the Labor Day Holiday! Thank you!
Good afternoon,
The water bills that were sent out for the month of August have the wrong dates on them it is supposed to be 7/01/2024 to 7/31/2024 not 6/01/2024 to 06/30/2024 which is for the water usage. This was due to human error (mine). I am sorry for the inconvenience.
A public hearing will be held on August 5, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. at Omaha City Hall, for the purpose of identifying and prioritizing the community needs of the City of Omaha, determining whether an application for Arkansas Community and Economic Development Program (ACEDP) funds should be developed and if so, for what community need. Also, comments on proposed project activities will be discussed, especially those with possible impacts on the community, should the project receive funding.
ACEDP funds are federal assistance received by the State of Arkansas and administered by the Arkansas Economic Development Commission. These funds will be made available to cities and counties according to need and can be used for community facilities, public infrastructure, or economic development, but must address one of the following objectives:
1. Provide benefit to low and moderate income families,
2. Aid in the prevention of slum and blight, or
3. Meet other community needs, which pose a serious, immediate threat to the health or welfare of the community where no other funding is available to meet such needs.
All residents of the City of Omaha are encouraged to attend the hearing and participate in the community development process. The City of Omaha will provide technical assistance in developing proposals by groups representing low- and moderate-income persons.
Individuals requiring physical or sensory accommodations including interpreter service, Braille, large print, or recorded materials, please contact Mayor Leslie King at 870.426.3388 no later than July 29. Accommodations will be made for persons with disabilities and non-English speaking individuals provided that a 7 day notice is received by the City of Omaha.
If someone calls you from the water dept claiming to be some other branch of the City, like the police dept or water dept and start asking questions or informing you that you need to give them private information please do not give them any information unless you know who you are talking to for sure (hang up and give us a call) and never answer YES to anything they ask you it is being recorded and they can use that answer to do more harm. If you have any questions please call our office! 870-426-3388
Mayor Leslie King, Council Members: Laura King, Orville Lippe, William Atchison, Mike Roberts and Lorene Roberts
Main Street in Omaha, Arkansas in the late 1800s
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Visit the Omaha Fire and Rescue Facebook Page
Our web site is currently under redevelopment. Please visit the Government section for hours, contact information, city council members, and meeting minutes.
See our Water Department page for forms, payment information, hours, and reports.
City Council Meeting Minutes and Financial Reports are now available.
The Omaha Rural Fire Dept. (ORFA) will be running a test of the siren @ 6 on the second Tuesday of the month!
© City of Omaha 9303 Stonegate Drive, Omaha, AR, 72662 870-426-3388